Faith “In-Community” Initiative

The writer Ecclesiastes says, “two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other one can reach out and help.”

Communities of Faith have long been an essential part of personal and community healing, restoration and development. Like Communities of Faith, Advance Peace understands how important loving relationships are, and how important it is to be in community with one another. We too believe that we were created to live in community, and that no one was created to be alone, isolated, idle, or without hope, including those most impacted by gun violence. We are certain that we are better off together – to support, motivate and strengthen one another – the best version of ourselves is lived in community.

Technical Support and Training

Advance Peace provides Technical Support and Training to help Communities of Faith achieve their goals of building safe, healthy and just communities. Advance Peace is excited to partner with Communities of Faith to reduce gun violence in our most impacted neighborhoods through effective sustainable community-driven strategies.

Moments of Destiny are moments for which you were created. But never forget, this is not the reason for which you were created. Only when you resemble, reflect and reveal the character of God, can you truly say you have reached your supreme destiny.

Wintley Phipps

To learn more about the AP “2standby1™” – Restoring Health/Healing Justice opportunity contact us at